Relevant publications

  • Aleshaiwi, A., & Harries, T. (2021). A step in the journey to food waste: How and why mealtime surpluses become unwanted. Appetite, 158, 105040.

  • Chang, Y. Y. C., Chu-Yen, W., Chilumbu, C., Wan-Ying, H., & Hou-Wang, S. (2019). Does Culture Matter? Motivations and Barriers to Minimizing Household Food Waste. In The 2nd ICOHOTH Conference. Kuala Lumpur: Malaysia.‏

  • Elhoushy, S., & Jang, S. (2021). Religiosity and food waste reduction intentions: A conceptual model. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 45(2), 287-302.‏

  • Elshaer, I., Sobaih, A. E. E., Alyahya, M., & Abu Elnasr, A. (2021). The impact of religiosity and food consumption culture on food waste intention in Saudi Arabia. Sustainability, 13(11), 6473.

  • Filimonau, V., Kadum, H., Mohammed, N. K., Algboory, H., Qasem, J. M., Ermolaev, V. A., & Muhialdin, B. J. (2022).Religiosity and food waste behavior at home and away. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 1-22.

  • Minton, E. A., Johnson, K. A., Vizcaino, M., & Wharton, C. (2020). Is it godly to waste food? How understanding consumers' religion can help reduce consumer food waste. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 54(4), 1246-1269.‏

  • Principato, L., Mattia, G., Di Leo, A., & Pratesi, C. A. (2021). The household wasteful behaviour framework: A systematic review of consumer food waste. Industrial Marketing Management, 93, 641-649.‏

  • Soma, T. (2016). The tale of the crying rice: The role of unpaid foodwork and learning in food waste prevention and reduction in Indonesian households. In Learning, food, and sustainability (pp. 19-34). Palgrave Macmillan, New York.‏

  • Soma, T. (2017). Gifting, ridding and the “everyday mundane”: the role of class and privilege in food waste generation in Indonesia. Local Environment, 22(12), 1444-1460.‏

  • Yoreh, T., & Scharper, S. B. (2020). Food waste, religion, and spirituality: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim approaches. In Routledge handbook of food waste (pp. 55-64). Routledge.